汄 自 潛
汄 創 研 系 列
SINCE 2018
WATERMAN (汄),以潛水人為出發點,秉持資源不浪費,減少碳足跡,以及環保為核心理念,所體現出現代潛人的生活態度。
汄系列 - 不止於潛水,日常生活也很愜意。
如需專人解答 / 購買方式,請+阿偉教練 LINE : alweiliao
Waterman Buoy
汄 浮 球

What is the definition of a good Freediving buoy?
* 輕量化 - 減少自潛者旅行裝備的負擔。
Light-weight : Reduced the Freediving traveler’s excess baggage.
* 耐用度 - 壽命長的產品也是一種環保。
Heavy-duty : Long-life products are also environmentally friendly.
* 實用性 - 浮球本身就是一個裝備背包。
Functional : Is a buoy, but also a backpack as well.
For someone who often travels for the freediving that needs to bring defferent sizes of gear bags. How to reduce the weight is essential that become one of the important elements of this design. Waterman Freediving Buoy is a gear bag, but also a buoy, nicely combined itself together.
觀察到市面上充斥著各種低廉的浮球,低價的浮球所使用的材料與工法是大量製造業者的結晶,這往往會面臨一個問題!壞了就扔了,因為便宜,就當耗材將就使用吧!但是這不就浪費了地球資源與製造垃圾了嗎?其中也有國外知名品牌的浮球也是如此,浮球外層布料太薄,連車縫也不是使用潛水等級的材料標準,承重結構設計上也有問題,也就難怪常常被抱怨好看不實用了,以前我也常常晚上慈母手中線的一針針修補,但這都不是解決問題最根本的方法;也有些品牌選擇使用防水塑料布製作浮球,但重量是自潛旅行者的惡夢。於是我們選擇與製作水肺 BCD 的國際大廠合作,以國際的標準來完成我們的設計,兼顧耐用與輕量化。
There are some cheap buoy on the market that choose the cheap materials to cost down that to make sure the profits and easy to sell. Even the materials are non-suitable for the diving activities. These kinds of products are easily damaged. Be course it is cheap that, so users simply just purchase a new one. Even some famous branding is doing that way as well. False of materials choices, bad sewing technical…etc. Either of both is making the disaster to the earth.
These cases are for real that we want to straighten it. By choose quality materials, a proper sewing technical to meet its standard. The Waterman Freediving buoy’s standard as same as the scuba BCD. Long-life products are also environmentally friendly.
浮球本身就是一個兼顧時尚的裝備背包. 想像一下,你的裝備背包同時也是浮球!不論腳蹼、面鏡、呼吸管、濕衣⋯等等的都可收納;待換裝完畢,將乾的衣物置於防水包內 ( 相信玩水的人多少都有自己的輕便防水包了吧!)然後就可以跳海去啦~浮球一共有八個握把,美觀又好用。
The buoy itself is a backpack. Can you image that, your gear-bag also is a buoy!
It can fill all your freediving gears in that you don't need to bring another bag to pack the buoy in. Only you need is bring a small dry bag that for your dry stuff.
初期在討論時,友人曾開玩笑的說:做這麼紮實又採用水肺 BCD 製程會不會買的人都用不壞! 那你怎麼會賣的好呢?
One of our friends said that : you made the buoy difficult to broken that with the scuba BCD manufacturing process. I am worry about your buoy business. "Designers must take social responsibility !" I said.
( 品質、價格、時間 ) 現在我們可以完全自主!做好產品,用料實在,而且是功能性的產品,不將就,當然外觀也很耐看。現在自潛已經是多數自潛人生活中的大部分,所以自潛裝備,對我們而言,其實就是生活物件。
Waterman Freediving is a small design studio that has more freedom and flexibility. Our target is not only design a good quality freediver’s life style products, but also a functional, essential products. Only do the best or do nothing that to avoid resource waste.
4th Dec. 2019
Waterman BaoBao
汄 包 包

Waterman BaoBao
Volume:43 liters
Weight:1.23 kg
潛水市場上,充滿各種品牌、樣式的潛水裝備袋、或裝備箱。這次 Waterman 更想帶來的不止於潛水活動而已,更是把潛水生活融入日常生活中的一部分,汄包包為此而生。
The diving market is full of diving equipment bags or equipment boxes of various brands and styles. This time, Waterman wants to bring more than just diving activities, but also integrate diving life into a part of daily life, and this bag was born for this purpose.
- 耐用度:堅持使用與汄浮球相同等級規格材料(國際BCD大廠等級),1680D滌綸面料+工業等級織帶與車縫技術,來實現生命週期較長的物件,來達到環保效果、減少浪費。
- Heavy-duty : Adhere to the use of materials of the same grade and specifications as Waterman Buoy (international BCD manufacturer grade), 1680D polyester fabric + industrial grade webbing and sewing technology to achieve long life objects, to achieve environmental protection effects and reduce waste.
- 輕量化:空重僅1.23kg左右(視環境濕度差異),來減少使用者的負擔,且俱備足夠的結構強度,來滿足符合現代多元使用條件。大面積的鏤空PVC格網結構,除了減輕重量,也大幅度的提升通風效能,裝備不再濕悶發味。
- Lightweight : The empty weight is only about 1.23kg (depending on the difference in environmental humidity) to reduce the user's burden, and it has sufficient structural strength to meet modern diverse usage conditions. The large-area hollow PVC grid structure not only reduces weight, but also greatly improves ventilation efficiency, so the equipment no longer becomes stuffy and smelly.
- 多元化:除了滿足一般自潛與美人魚活動功能外,水肺BCD裝備也能放得下,內部提供乾濕分離層,不再一鍋粥。外部俱備行李箱拉桿固定掛帶,解放雙手,讓旅行更為輕鬆。另有兩條外部裝備固定可調式織帶,用於外掛長蛙、魚蹼與瑜伽墊...等。上蓋則採兩側雙開拉鍊結構設計,使用更靈活,即便翻倒,內容物也不會灑出一地。
- Diversification : In addition to meeting the functions of general self-diving and mermaid activities, it can also accommodate scuba BCD equipment. It provides a dry and wet separation layer inside, so it is no longer a mess. The exterior is equipped with a luggage trolley to secure the lanyard, freeing your hands and making travel easier. There are also two external equipment-fixing adjustable webbing straps for hanging fins, mermaid fin, yoga mats, etc. The upper cover adopts a double-open zipper structure design on both sides, making it more flexible to use. Even if it tips over, the contents will not spill out on the floor.
The Waterman BaoBao is a multi-purpose bag that is different from the traditional equipment bag. Even if it is used for shopping on the street or buying vegetables at the market, it is an easy-to-use daily item.
14th Feb. 2023